Soong Ching Ling

     -  chines. Politikerin  -

geb.  27.  Jan. 1890  in  Schanghai   -   gest.  1981

Madame Sun Yat-sen, die zweite der drei Schwestern Sung.
Zweite Gattin (g. 1915) des Vaters der chines.  Revolution Sun Yat-sen u. Parteigründer der Kuomintang.
10 J., bis zum Tode ihres Gatten, nahm sie teil an seinen polit. Kämpfen u. der Ausgestaltung seiner
In der chines.Volksrepublik nimmt sie mit ihrem Stiefsohn Sun Fo (aus der 1.Ehe ihres Gatten) als " Witwe des Vaters des Vaterlandes ", auf dessen Ideen sich auch die chinesischen Kommunisten berufen, eine geachtete Stellung ein.

(Mme. Sun Yat-sen), the late Honorary President of the People's Republic of China, was an outstanding stateswoman and internationalist, and one of the distinguished leaderso of the People's  Republic of China.
After graduation from the Department of  English of Wesleyan College for Women in Macon, Georgia, U.S.A. in 1913, she came under the influence of Dr, Sun Yat-sen and devoted her life to the revolutlonary cause of China.

Upholding the revolutionary banner of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, she made great contributions to the history of China and  for the prosperity of the motherland and the happiness of her people.
Because of her outstanding contributions to social progress and human happiness and for the enhancement of    mutual understanding and friendship among peoples made her loved and respected throughout the world as one of the 20th century's most renowned woman leaders.

Soong China Ling was always concerned with physical and mental growth of children. Even under very difficult  conditions, she continued to promote and initiate cultural and educatilonal programs for children as well as  maternity and health care instituions for women; many of these have become exemplary projects in China.

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